Worship is the believer’s response of all that they are – mind, emotions, will, body – to what God is and says and does.
~ Warren Wiersbe, Real Worship, p. 26
I've been pondering worship today. I participated in worship this weekend - four services in all - and it had an incredible impact on me.
I was profoundly affected by the truths we were singing. Much of what we sang was directly taken from Scripture. All of it was truths about God, His character and His greatness.
Expressing truth thru music and worship has such a way of capturing hearts. I feel it happen in my own heart. My eyes are taken off however I am feeling or anything I have brot with me emotionally to church, and is directed to the only One who is worthy of praise.
I see it in other members the worship team and choir. I see the tears on the faces around me, hear the emotion in voices as the Word move deeply in hearts softened by worship. Words seem to be sung more passionately with each service because they are set deeper in our hearts each time we sing them. That is, at least, what I feel.
There are even moments we can't sing. Twice this happened to Jared this morning. Instead of leading in the next verse he had to simply take a moment and lift his hands to the Lord, as the musicians continuing playing till he could sing again.
I see it in a director that is so moved by the Truth of the words she stops directing the choir in the middle of a song and raised her hands in worship. I have never seen or experienced this type of directing before.
And I see it in the church body as they sing with us. I can't even describe what it is like to see glimpses of what is happening in hearts during worship, but it's amazing, incredible and powerful. I am so blessed to be a tiny part of such a powerful work of God. How great is our God!
Click and enjoy a moment of worship in your day!
The splendour of the King, robed in majesty
Let all the earth rejoice, all the earth rejoice
He wraps Himself in light, and darkness tries to hide
And trembles at His voice, trembles at His voice
How great is our God,
Sing with me, how great is our God
And all we see how great....how great is our God!
And age to age He stands, and time is in His hand
Begining and the end, begining and the end
The Godhead three in one - Father, Spirit, Son
The lion and the lamb, the lion and the lamb
Here's another definition of worship I like:
Christian worship is the response of God’s redeemed people to His self-revelation that exalts God’s glory in Christ in our minds, affections, and wills, in the power of the Holy Spirit.” ~ Bob Kauflin
Christian worship…is different from every kind of worship because it has been made possible through Jesus Christ. Revelation 5:9-10
Is the response…God has already done something outside of us and inside of us that enables us to worship Him. We are not the initiators of worship; God is. Acts 17:24-31
Of God’s redeemed people…Just as God delivered the nation of Israel from Egypt to worship Him Exodus 8:1, so He has redeemed us as a holy nation to declare His praises. 1 Peter 2:9 Worship of God is intended to be corporate, not simply personal.
To his self-revelation…we can’t know God apart from Him revealing Himself to us. He has shown Himself to us in creation, His Word, and ultimately His Son. Romans 1:20
That exalts…the essence of worship is exalting - raising up, lifting high, submitting to, magnifying, making much of, honoring, reverencing, celebrating – the triune God. Psalm 71:19
God’s glory in Christ…Moses asked God to show him his glory and God passed before him and proclaimed his nature. Exodus 34:6-7. God has enabled us to see His glory in the face of Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6
In our minds…worship involves thinking, meditating, reflecting, processing, evaluating, understanding what God has revealed to us of Himself. Romans 12:1-2
Affections…true worship involves the heart as well as the head. We worship what we love and value the most. (Mt. 22:37-38)
And wills…If we are truly worshipping God, we will truly be transformed. 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 Our choices will reflect our profession that God is supreme in our lives. Romans 12:1-2
In the power of the Holy Spirit…We are those who worship by the Spirit of God, Philippians 3:3, and depend on His leading and enabling.